

Welcome to the "gatsby-docs" tutorial, before start just let me explain the motivation to create this tutorial...

I was thinking in test gatsby to see if I can use in my daily work so I did what I usually do, read the docs, and while I was reading I notice that this could be a great tool for static documentations, I mean a substitute of gitbook or vuepress... so I decide to work on a little POC to create static doc webpage using gatsby and then I thought that to avoid read all the doc again (nothing against the doc I think are great) I can write a little tutorial about my progress so in the future i can resort to this when need it.

And after this, I thought, "why I don't publish the tutorial?" maybe is useful for others... and here is where you are, all that you are seeing at this moment is the result of this tutorial, I mean you are navigating in the webpage result of the tutorial 😊.

Discharge of responsibility

You maybe see that this tutorial is a bit 'informal' 👻, the used language, the expressions, explanations, errors in the code...

The first thing that you should know is that I'm not a native English speaker (I know you already did in the first paragraph) and I know my English is far from perfect so I will do my best 😉, also I'm not a writer, normally iIwrite docs for myself so iIdo at my style, and finally while I'm describing my steps you probably can found that iIget errors in code and are inside the tutorial also, usually I always do that because errors are as important as success 😇.

Indeed is going to be a very small tutorial but just enough to explain what we need, so lets started 🏁.

Who I am?

Let introduce me, my name is Jorge Oliva, I've been working more than 10 years in the complete software lifecycle, from the analysis and requirement definition, passing for the development, deployment and maintenance. In last times I'm working as R&D Software Engineer playing with all kind of new technologies 😌.
