Index page

Index page

You probably have noticed, when you navigate to the tutorial page, the introduction page is not the correct one, like the picture below:

Incorrect introduction

In our file we have different content, this is because when we access our tutorial page we are accessing to the index.mdx page, this page comes from the gatsby starter project, and I suppose is used like a landing page or something like that, you can see that index.mdx page doesn't appear in the navbar.

We don't want a landing page because our web is just a tutorial, anyway we have two options:

  1. Put additional information in this ´index.mdx´ file to show as startup page of our tutorial.
  2. Try to redirect the load of the tutorial to the page.

I prefer the second one because we don't have much more to say on our first page 😗.

Redirecting root path

So what we need is when somebody put in the browser show instead the URL

After some minutes searching in google we get an example from the gatsby Github repo, and looks very easy, basically, we need to add the redirection rules in gatsby-node.js file, in our case inside the declaration exports.createPages we will add this code:

const { createRedirect } = actions
fromPath: `/`,
isPermanent: true,
redirectInBrowser: false,
toPath: `/01-introduction`,

To test we just execute $ gatsby develop and we can test in localhost that everything is working as expected, nice 💪!!